How To Live Allergy-Free At Home in 5 Simple Steps

Live Allergy Free

Allergy Free

Asthma and allergic diseases affect more than 24 million people in the U.S, and are the 6th leading cause for chronic disease costing $23 billion each year. Allergies are caused by hypersensitivity to the immune system; catalysts such as pollen, dust, animal fur and particular foods can result in a full body reaction when hypersensitivity exhibits itself. Your home, particularly in warmer weather, may be a culpable for harboring nasty bodies that antagonize allergies.

Review your cleaning routine

On the surface, your cleaning routine may appear to be satisfactory, but there may be more that you can do to make it more effective against allergens. If the housework is the last thing you look forward to, you will see a big improvement when you start to love the process. Clean the house from top-to-bottom at least once a week to keep dust at bay.

Clean your carpets and flooring frequently

In particular, carpets and rugs can harbor allergens; vacuum twice a week, making sure that you are using a HEPA filter. Some allergens are so tiny that they aren’t picked up with regular vacuum filters, which means you could be sucking them off of the floor and sending them straight back into the air the breathe. Use a damp cloth and mop when cleaning so that you trap allergens, instead of moving them around.

Choose appropriate bedding and mattresses

Another culprit responsible for harboring allergens can be found in your bedroom. Your bed can be responsible for trapping allergens, and even agitating them. You should pay careful consideration to the type of bed you sleep on, and protect your mattress and bedding with anti-allergen protectors. Wash your sheets at least once a week at a minimum of 130F to remove dust mites.

Freshen up your furniture and upholstery

Sofas and upholstered furniture offer a similar problem. If you can, replace fabric with leather, wood or metal and use upholstery that can be removed and cleaned frequently. Likewise, wooden blinds are preferable to fabric curtains or drapes as fabrics can trap dust and other allergens. If you don’t want to replace them, simply take them down and wash them frequently to avoid a build-up of allergens.

Windows and ventilation

Where possible, keep windows closed during high pollination season, and fix any cracks or breaks to prevent pollen entering your home. Keep your bathroom well ventilated to avoid a build up of moisture, which can cause mold, another potent allergen. Try to maintain an average temperature of 68-73F; hot, humid houses only encourage dust, mites and mold. Remember to replace the filters in your central heating and air-con units at least once a month for optimized performance.

By taking positive and pro-active steps, you can take charge of your home in a way that will manage and maintain your allergies, without the use of prescription medications or alternative remedies.

Lucy Wyndham

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